Vintage Coca-Cola Films on 2 DVDs: History of Coke Products

Vintage Coca-Cola Films on 2 DVDs: History of Coke Products, Soda Pop, Soft Drinks & Carbonated Beverages

Vintage Coca-Cola Films on 2 DVDs: History of Coke Products, Soda Pop, Soft Drinks & Carbonated Beverages

    Vintage Coca-Cola Films on 2 DVDs: History of Coke Products, Soda Pop, Soft Drinks & Carbonated Beverages

    Product Description

    This unique compilation has 2 DVDs worth of vintage Coca-Cola films, filmed in the United States and all around the World!
    Disc 1:
    (1) Always Tomorrow (1941) - This 52 minute feature film shows the beginnings of the Coca-Cola company and the heart and soul of the people who were involved in starting it.
    Length: 52 minutes

    (2) The Refreshing Look (1960's) - Classic vending machine film sponsored by The Vendo Company and Coke, which encourages store owners to buy a Vendo machine filled with Coca Colas on the merits of the vending machines profitability.
    Length: 16 minutes

    Disc 2:

    (3) Pearl of the Orient (1955) - This is a beautiful film about the relationship between the Coke products and the culture in the Philippines, and includes many shots of local customs, manufacturing and farming.
    Length: 22 minutes

    (4) Coca Cola Bottling Plant - Arabia (1950s) - A fascinating film narrated in the Arabic language about manufacturing Coca-Cola in the Middle East. What a cool find!
    Length: 10 minutes

    (5) Wonderful World (1950s) - According to this film, Coke products are found around the World and bring great joy to people, no matter their culture. There's footage here from India, Japan, Egypt, Philippines and more...
    Length: 33 minutes

    (6) Member of the Family (1954) - With this film we see another trip half way around the World and discover that the effects of Coca-Cola resound everywhere. A good educational use of this film is for studying the Post-WWII rise of consumerism and globalization.
    Length: 11 minutes

    Total Running Time: 144 Minutes


    Vintage Coca-Cola Films on 2 DVDs: History of Coke Products, Soda Pop, Soft Drinks & Carbonated Beverages